The Mosquito Minute: Blog Post 8

Welcome back to the mosquito minute!

Last week as not a good trapping week for mosquitoes, as it was in the low 40’s at night. This week is looking a lot better in terms of trapping because it is in the 80’s during the day and high to mid-60’s in the evenings. A few weeks ago we mentioned the rare capture of the mosquito that carries Eastern Equine Encephalitis. I wish we had better news, but we still have not received the results. Additionally, to further the bad news, we had a mosquito from the eastern region of the county test positive for West Nile Virus. To recap, West Nile cannot be treated, but can be prevented.

Look back on previous blog posts to learn more about mosquito bite prevention. This was the very first positive result we have ever received since the beginning of the season, which was in early June. Just to make things clear: it is more important than ever to wear mosquito repellent (especially in Hopedale) now that we have our first confirmed positive. Since we have received one positive it is highly probable that there are other mosquitoes that are carrying the virus. Again, please wear mosquito repellent so we can avoid any human cases of West Nile in Harrison County. There have been no West Nile Virus human cases in Ohio for this year, but three were 18 cases last year. Anyone can be affected by West Nile, so make sure if you were exposed to mosquitoes that you pay attention to the signs and symptoms of the virus.

See you next week!

Hayden & Carys