Employment Opportunities

The Harrison County Health Department

Employment Opportunities

Here at the Harrison County Health Department, we are always looking for qualified persons to join our team!

We pride ourselves on diversity in the workforce and attempts to hire individuals who are reflective of the population that we serve.

Additionally, the Harrison County Health Department is an equal opportunity employer and provider of services. Individuals with unique qualifications such as bi-lingual skills are highly encouraged to apply.

If you're interested in applying,  you can submit your cover letter and resume in person or by mail to 538 N. Main Street Suite G, Cadiz, Ohio 43907, or you can email healthdepartment@harrisoncountyohio.org 

Job Opportunities Available at this Time

There are no open positions currently available. 

  • HCHD is an Equal Opportunity Employer



538 N Main St, Cadiz, OH 43907


(740) 942-2616


(740) 942-9331


Monday thru Friday 8:00 - 4:00


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