The Mosquito Minute: Blog Post 7

Welcome back to the Mosquito Minute!

We have received our results back from the mosquitoes we collected on August 2nd,6th, and
7th, and most have been reported negative, but we are still waiting on a few more results to
come in. As of now, the Culex sp. is the most common in our area. This type of mosquito is
found in warm and wet environments and lays eggs in stagnant water, so be sure to keep
the area around your home as dry as possible! The Culex sp. mosquito can transmit a
number of diseases, but most commonly carries West Nile Virus and different variations of
encephalitis. There is no treatment for West Nile, so the best way to stay safe is to use the
proper precautionary measures when in an environment with mosquitoes.

Survey Question Review:

When asked how many species of mosquito live in Ohio 81.9% of people answered
incorrectly. There are roughly 60 species of mosquito that live across the state, and so far
we have collected 10 different species, one species being quite rare for the area.

Come back next week for more updates!

Hayden & Carys