The Mosquito Minute: Blog Post 2

Welcome back to The Mosquito Minute! We hope you enjoyed our first blog post.

We had a very eventful week filled with trapping! We placed traps in all 3 regions of the county and collected mosquitoes from almost every single trap. We had plenty of additional bugs to sort through to find the mosquitoes in each trap. We had a few mishaps with our bugs unthawing, but it was nothing a quick freeze couldn’t solve. The lab results should be in within the next two weeks, with the results from the first few traps coming in soon! If you see the below traps while out and about, please kindly leave them alone.



Mosquito Knowledge Survey Results

Last month we conducted a mosquito knowledge survey online and at the Harrison County Fair. Overall, we received 110 survey responses! Each week The Mosquito Minute will highlight answers to the survey questions.

First up, let’s review Question 6: What characteristics make a host more likely to be targeted by a mosquito?

Most people believed scented body products and blood type were factors in how likely a host is to be targeted by mosquitoes. Survey participants did a great job with this question, because all characteristics are true except for hair color! People with O blood are put at a greater risk of being targeted and warmer body temperature is more appealing. Sweeter scented body products and darker colored clothing items act as attractants for mosquitoes.

Thank you for reading our second blog post. We will return next week to share additional information and more survey answers! – Hayden & Carys