Communicable Diseases
The Harrison County Health Department receives reports from healthcare providers to identify trends or outbreaks of infectious diseases. Based on the information reported, we then conducts necessary investigations to determine the cause of abnormal incidences of infectious diseases. This infectious disease information is vital in assisting us in protecting the residents of Harrison County from this public health threat.
Reporting a communicable disease:
During Normal business hours:
By Fax: 740-942-9331
By Phone: 740-942-2616
To report a “Class A” disease after hours (24/7):
By Phone: 740-942-2616 and you follow the prompts to report a public health emergency
By Fax: 740-942-9331
Class A:
Diseases of major public health concern because of the severity of disease or potential for epidemic spread – report immediately via
telephone upon recognition that a case, a suspected case, or a positive laboratory result exists.
Healthcare Providers with knowledge of a confirmed or suspected case of a reportable disease are required by Ohio law to report it to the local health department as outlined in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 3701-3-03 http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/3701-3-03 and ORC 3701-3-05 http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/3701-3-05.
Please contact: The Harrison County Health Department at 740-942-2616 if you have any questions regarding communicable diseases or disease reporting.