The Mosquito Minute: Blog Post 3

Hello, and welcome back to the mosquito minute!

We are pleased to announce that all tested mosquito samples returned negative for diseases!

These results indicate that 65 mosquitoes have been identified over the last month, with 37 pooled to be tested. Not all are tested; mainly, the culex species of mosquitoes are tested. The 37 have been split into 4 pools, 2 of which have already been tested with negative results, while the other 2 are pending their results. We will keep everyone posted on these results in the coming weeks!
On to some less exciting news, as nothing new happened last week. We could only place in 2 regions last week due to rain. Our new batteries had just arrived, and we didn’t want them to get ruined entirely within the first week. There weren’t many mosquitoes caught—we did have our first few encounters with ticks, though. That was not a fun experience; the office may have heard a few shrieks coming from our room.


Our next business topic is our survey! We conducted this survey online and at the Harrison County Fair in June. With over 100 results, we are now sharing the answers with you all!

This week, we are highlighting question number 5. True or False: Your pets can be affected by mosquitoes. The answer to this question is yes! Your pets, such as dogs, can get heartworms when bitten by mosquitoes. House pets are not the only animals affected by mosquitoes; equine encephalitis can also affect your larger equine livestock. This is why it is important to fight the bite not only for you but for your pets as well!


Thank you all for reading, and see you with next week’s mosquito minute!

-Carys and Hayden