The Mosquito Minute: Blog Post 1

Welcome to the Mosquito Minute – a blog created by our Mosquito Surveillance and Control Interns, Carys and Hayden! Check back to our “Latest News” section throughout the summer  to catch the buzz on what may be happening with mosquito surveillance in Harrison County.


Post 1 – 07/09/2024

Our past few weeks have been quite busy with the kickstart of the Mosquito Surveillance & Control Program.  We had a large to-do list that we knocked out within our first 2 weeks while we waited for our traps to be delivered. This to-do list mainly consisted of education on mosquitoes, mapping out where the traps will be placed, and getting permission to place the traps in those areas.

Our traps came in about 2 weeks ago and with the approval of designated areas we began our research.  We “split” the county into 3 regions—North, East, and West— to place our 4 traps on a rotation between these regions. So far, we have gathered about 15 mosquitoes in total, and have sent those off to the Ohio EPA for disease testing. Updates on the results will return within the next week.

We are excited to see what the following weeks hold and are ready to continue trapping throughout the rest of the mosquito season!

– Carys & Hayden